Friday, April 06, 2007

Hume and Smith on Justice, Sympathy, and Commerce

(Reposted to bring it to the top of the page)

The Montreal Political Theory Workshop
“Hume and Smith on Justice, Sympathy, and Commerce”
April 13, 2007
McGill University
Gold Room, Faculty Club, 3450 McTavish St., Montréal
8:30 am: Coffee available

9 am: Welcoming remarks
Jacob Levy, Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, McGill University

Richard Virr, Acting Head and Curator of Manuscripts, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, McGill Libraries

9:15 -10:20 am: “Frenzy, Gloom, and the Spirit of Liberty : Paradoxes of Political Agency in Hume”
Sharon Krause, Associate Professor of Political Science, Brown University

10:30-11:35 am: “Humean Toleration: Policy, Paradox, and Law of Nature”
Andrew Sabl, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, UCLA

11:45am-12:50pm: “Adam Smith's Critique of International Trading Companies: Theorizing 'Globalization' in the Age of Enlightenment”
Sankar Muthu, Assistant Professor of Politics, Princeton University

2:00-3:05 pm: “Hume and Smith on Sympathy: A Comparison, Contrast, and Reconstruction”
Samuel Fleischacker, Professor of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago

3:15-4:45 pm: Commentaries and Discussion

Chair: Daniel Weinstock, Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political Philosophy, Université de Montréal

George Grantham, Professor of Economics, McGill University

James Moore, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Concordia University

Registration is not required, but those who e-mail Jeffrey Bercuson,, can be counted for coffee and refreshments, and will be given access to the papers.

Sponsored by: The Montreal Political Theory Workshop; The Earhart Foundation; The McGill University David Hume Collection