Of interest to several categories of blogreaders, because New England PSA is a very grad-student-friendly conference, is the regional PSA friendliest to jurisprudence and, along with Western, to political theory; and is, I think, the only American political science meeting to have a dedicated Canadian Politics section. Plus: this year, just down the hill from ye olde alma mater.
Call for Papers, New England Political Science Association, Providence, RI, April 25-26 2008
Program Chairs
Paul Christopher Manuel, New Hampshire Institute of Politics at
Saint Anselm College pmanuel@anselm.edu
Anne Marie Cammisa, Saint Anselm College acammisa@anselm.edu
The New England Political Science Association invites proposals for papers and panels to be presented at its 2008 annual meeting at the Providence Marriott Downtown. Proposals should be submitted by email, with the proposal in the message text (do not send attachments), to the relevant section head. Those unsure on appropriate section may submit to more than one and should inform the relevant section heads of parallel submissions. The deadline for receipt of submissions is December 20th 2007.
Please include the following information in your submission:
For individual papers:
Year Ph.D. received or expected
Title of paper
For panels*:
Name of organizer
Year Ph.D. received or expected
Title of panel
Summary of panel theme
Information on panel papers or contributors
* Panel proposals must include panelists from at least three universities or colleges.
American Politics: James Carlson, jcarlson@providence.edu
Comparative Politics: Mary Fran T. Malone, Mary.Malone@unh.edu
International Relations: Christine Kearney, ckearney@anselm.edu
Political Theory: Steven Michels, MichelsS@sacredheart.edu
Public Law: Peter Ubertaccio, pubertaccio@stonehill.edu
Public Policy: Robert Hackey, rhackey@providence.edu
Politics and History: Michael C. Connolly, michael.connolly@maine.edu
Canadian Politics: James T. McHugh, jmchugh@roosevelt.edu
2008 NEPSA President--Christopher Bosso, Northeastern University c.bosso@neu.edu
Visit us at http://www.neu.edu/nepsa/