Friday, January 16, 2009

Elsewhere: The Life of Levy

My old friend Todd Seavey has an inimitable style of storytelling-as-biography. Every person named in a story is given an appositive description linking them, in every way Todd knows, to other persons named in the story, to intellectual themes or cultural trends he finds of interest, or to noteworthy events. This is so regardless of whether every person listening has already heard the footnoted stories already and knows how they connect or even already knows the person in question. He makes it work; it's highly entertaining, and although he was speaking that way before the advent of html it strikes me that it's the conversational equivalent of hypertext.

In any event, he's now posted a highly idiosyncratic origin story-cum-intellectual-biography-cum-narration-of-shared-cultural-interests of, well, me. It's roughly his standard format turned inside-out-- biography-as-storytelling, in which I'm the framing device for some reflections all his own.


David Watkins said...

I hope you'll make your Lost talk/paper available to those of us who can't attend the talk he refers to.

Unknown said...


Russell Arben Fox said...

Wow. That was weird and awesome. I'd like someone to write of bio of me like that, except that they'd almost certainly consider me to have been corrupted by the degenerate inhabitants of Innsmouth (also known as the German romantics).

Anonymous said...

_Dagon_ is on my list of films to see, so I _am_ keeping an eye on the Innsmouth problem.