Friday, September 21, 2007

Must... fight... urge...

to engage Ilya Somin in lengthy debate on federalism in Star Trek. (Via Amber Taylor. Much too much to do, yet urge is strangely strong...

But I will suggest that the arrangement is probably confederal rather than federal-- there's no case I can think of in which the UFP legislated in a way that reached directly onto the surface of the planets, as it were. The problem is that we see vanishingly little of the civilian-to-civilian interactions that would be needed to decide the case. It's hard to learn much about how confederal, federal, or centralized a system is by watching the activities of its centralized military...

Update: OK, one more thing. The comments thread at Volokh quickly spiraled into the old standbys of social-science-geekery-about-Star Trek-- the allegedly post-scarcity economy (unless you happen to be a dilithium miner) and foreign policy/ the Prime Directive. That's because Ilya gave a very quirky tongue-in-cheek resource-extraction account of what the UFP's internal structure was like, but partly because those are the things we know how to talk about. Ilya's actual question-- how, if at all, is the Federation federal?-- isn't a Prime Directive question, and is only very indirectly a latinum question...