Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Tarr, "Subnationalism and Constitutional Space," Friday November 7 at McGill

Friday, November 7, 12-2 pm, G. Alan Tarr will present a paper, "Federalism and Subnational Constitutional Space" in the Gold Room at McGill's Faculty Club. Responses will be provided by Professor Filippo Sabetti and by Erin Crandall, both of McGill Political Science, prior to a general discussion.

Alan Tarr is the foremost scholar of constitutionalism in American states. He is the Director of the Center for State Constitutional Studies, and Chair of the Department of Political Science, Rutgers University, Camden. He is the author of Understanding State Constitutions (Princeton) and the editor of numerous volumes on state constitutions and constitutional politics. This year he is Fulbright Visiting Chair in Public Policy, Governance and Public Administration
at the University of Ottawa, where he is studying subfederal constitutionalism in comparative perspective.

If you are interested in attending, please e-mail me at jtlevy-at-gmail.com for the paper.